Saturday, August 7, 2010

Late Night Posting

Random Thoughts for a night in which I can't sleep:

-Shaq to the Celtics is a big meh. Unless the offense is run through him, he's ineffective. Those days are long behind him. Now he just hampers what ever offense he's involved in, destroying the flow as they try to work around him.

-People are getting their Winter Classic tickets. If I'm not there, I'm going to strangle someone. And I better get a tour of Consol Energy Center while I'm there. That place looks beyond money.

-A-Rod hit his 600th home run. Congrats. Doubt steroids added more than 40 home runs, maybe 50, to his overall total. 550 is still really impressive.

-I have a man crush on Max Talbot. Seriously. He's the best.

-Still don't understand the Sabres moves in the off season, and their release of Tim Kennedy just adds to the fact. Local kid, young, lots of potential. Not that expensive at only $1 million next year. He's small but chippy. They need more scoring. Why haven't they gone after anyone on the market yet?

-Alabama should be ranked #1. Few loses in the off season and a beast of a returning roster. Would not be shocked to see a repeat.

-I don't think that Boise St. is ranked high enough. Only #5? They only lost one starter. Would love to see them in the title game. Even if they would get skulled by Alabama.

-Why is Florida so high? No idea what to expect from John Brantley. Better play better as a full team. Tebow carried the team for the most part and utilized the impressive parts around him. They're not longer parts, they need to be a whole.

-I love CJ Spiller. Fantastic game he plays. Always gives 100% and has all kinds of skill. I also think Buffalo was the worst possible place for him to play. They are stacked at running back. I suppose he'll be an all purpose back so he'll be seeing a lot of kick offs and kick backs but there isn't enough to give him adequate protection unless they improve their line and get someone with actual QB pedigree. They'll likely be looking at Jake Locker.

-Not looking forward to big things from the Steelers this season. It's a gut feeling. As camp gets deeper and deeper that opinion fads but I'm going to go with it. 9-7 year is in the making.

-All four rookie QBs will get playing time this year. Of them, Jimmy Clausen will play the best. No other reason than the cast around him is better. Cleveland and St. Louis will both be awful. Tebow is not an NFL QB.

-The only thing that hurts Clausen is how shallow Carolina is at receiver. They should have gone after TO to fill in the gaps until LeFell and Edwards make their mark. I was in the camp of them going after TO. If they're counting on Dwayne Jarrett they're in trouble. The run game should help soften the blow.

-The NL and AL East are unreal. Phillies, Rays, Braves, Yankees all very legit World Series teams. Rest of the picture is looking rough. The NL West is a division of light weights, the NL Central is either the Cardinals or the Reds. The AL West is all Rangers all the time and the AL Central is another crap shoot between the White Sox and Twins. Your World Series Champs come from the Phils, Rays, Yanks, Braves, and Rangers.

-Music is back. Enjoy:

Silversun Pickups- Melatonin

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